Thursday, February 25, 2016

Barbarism – the European way

Barbarism – the European way

 The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)
“In the story, a man has beaten and robbed by a gang of bandits while walking down a road. Several people pass him by while offering no help, including a priest and a Levite. But the next person walking down that road — a Samaritan — sees the man, bandages his wounds, takes him to the inn, gives the innkeeper money out of his own pocket, and asks the innkeeper to look after the man.”
Religious fundamentalism, fighting between ethnic groups, quest of super powers to dominate world  resources, effort to indirectly help their own arm and armament industry by super powers,   are making the world peace a distant dream. Whether it is Iran, Iraqi, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Ukraine, the hands of US or Russia is there.  The game plan of these super powers added with  Muslim fundamentalism made life of their own brethren  horrible  and people are tend  to flee, with whatsoever they can carry  as refugee.  They love to take shelter in a country where democracy is prevailing.  As we know European countries are supposed  to be apostle  of democracy, champion  of human right  and philanthropist.
Almost  8% of world population are refugees.  UN and other affluent countries  should have thought of helping and funding for this problem. But as reports are pouring in, from European countries, it is very much disturbing.  It is reported that roughly about 850000 asylum seekers took shelter in European countries from Syria and Libya through Greece.  Some European countries made  hue and cry to close  the boarder of Greece. Some other countries like Denmark, Switzerland, some states of Germany etc are smart enough to confiscate valuables from refugees to fund the refugees maintenance expenses.  Danish Government even made a legislation for confiscation of valuables.  Hungary has already closed the boundaries.  Many of these refugees fleeing from war, mass crimes, rapes , and some even reaching the European countries  undertaking  risky boat journey crossing Mediterranean leaving back their valuables by way of fixed assets.
Let us think a while , who created  the chaos in Libya and Syria.  European countries like France, Britain  who used force and air attack in these countries.  Even otherwise how cruel it is, to confiscate  the valuables  from people who flee their motherland and took shelter.  We may lament, ho Jesus! these people don’t know that they re doing.  They are not civilised despite years after his interference( I mean Jesus Christ).
Rejoinder:  When country like Switzerland, Denmark, France, Germany is struggling and loot refugee for expenses of maintenance, in the  year 1972, a small state in India called West Bengal received 20 lacs refugees fled from Bangladesh with red carpet welcome and without checking the refugees caste, creed, sex or colour.   Many of them settled here and not gone back.  If reports are to be believed, the flow continues.  Still we are at the receiving end of intolerance towards minorities.  Never mind!  Really proud of my country!!!!

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